01 Oct

Though I keep bragging that knitting has no seasonality and I also knit in Summer, this year I knit very little but spun a lot of wool and read a lot of books. 

In July I returned to Berlin from our little piece of Swedish heaven to start a new job. What was even more exciting was that I attended the Wedding Wool Weekend on the 14th of July where I met Kate, my knitting buddy from Berlin with whom I hung out regularly doing virtual knitting sessions during Covid. 

Here I treated myself with some hand dyed silk and mohair blend from Herzfasern to knit up this airy jumper. This yarn is a limited edition of their Herzfaser No. 50 Liebling dyed for the wool festival and called Wochenende im Wedding - Weekend in Wedding, Wedding being the neighbourhood in Berlin where the festival took place. 

The colours were the first that caught my eye, and the pattern that comes with the yarn is Model no. 3 from the Classici issue 21 of Lana Grossa. Since I don't usually knit with such screaming colours or even gradients, OR out of pure German patterns, I decided to have an adventure and just do this. 

I cast on the swatch and was pleased with the selected needles - the Knit Pro Ginger that you can purchase in my shop if you want to feel luxuriously victorian:

I cast on the actual sweater after about 2 weeks. I even took the project back to Sweden at the end of July and didn't take it out once for the following 2 weeks I spent there. I was too busy cuddling reindeers:

Time spent with friends and family in a place that is so dear to our hearts is priceless. I mean the sunsets alone seen from our terrace were spectacular:

I also baked the best pie that ever existed with berries gathered from our yard, then feasted on it with my fiancé's dad and our neighbours:

It was mid August when I picked up my needles again, and, this time, I didn't stop until it was finished. My knitting went with me everywhere:

I was so excited just to see all the pieces stacked on top of each other waiting for a good soak, blocking, and, finally, assembly. It takes a full day just to sew the pieces together.

All accessories used to create this garment are available for purchase on my website – they are so practical!

The end product is the softest sweater I ever wore, light and fluffy, just perfect to step into October looking like a pumpkin!

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